Sargent & Lundy Participating in Heat Rate Improvement Webinar

Marc Prasse joins panel of clean energy experts for ELECTRIC POWER

August 11, 2020 – The ELECTRIC POWER conference is hosting a webinar regarding the Affordable Clean Energy Rule on August 19 at 10 a.m. CT. During the webinar, select industry experts will present on topics surrounding the 2019 EPA regulation. The discussion will be focused on improving unit heat rate and lowering carbon dioxide emissions.

Sargent & Lundy’s Marc Prasse will be sharing case studies on heat rate improvements at coal-fired power plants. By serving Sargent & Lundy’s clients, Prasse has gained valuable insight into the nuances of the ACE Rule and its candidate technologies. To date, Prasse has been involved in HRI analyses at more than 10 facilities, totaling nearly 10 gigawatts of generation. His data will help owner/operators, owner’s engineers, and consultants apply the rule to other units.

The ACE webinar is part of a digital series leading up to the in-person conference in Kansas City in September. To attend, users must register for the entire ELECTRIC POWER conference. An EP Digital package, available for free courtesy of Reef Industries, lets users opt out of the in-person festivities and gain access to all digital content produced this summer.

Register for the ELECTRIC POWER conference. Use promo code REEF to get the EP Digital package for free.


Energy and Industrial Services at Sargent & Lundy

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